Clean up the electricity in your home! They have lots of really cool tech stuff that can help eliminate EMF in your home and clean up your power. Go to and tell them the Nice Guys sent you! 

Mike Caldwell worked as a firefighter/paramedic for 12 years before falling 35’ off a cliff and breaking his arm, leg, and back. In what he calls a “life-affirming wake-up call”, he retired from that career, sold his home and cottage, and bought an abandoned sawmill on 164 wooded acres. He single-handedly built the property into his home and business venue where he hosts outdoor education camps, rustic weddings, and his Mad Trapper Trail and Snowshoe Series. While growing these businesses, alongside his online business ventures, Mike learned the value of empathy when it comes to succeeding as an entrepreneur. Mike is now a best-selling author with Empathic Marketing and works with other established businesses to help them win more clients and make more sales in any economy.

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