Dan is President of Steininger & Associates LLC, which advises companies on growing through innovation. He describes himself as both a “recovering lawyer and recovering CEO.”

He is the author of two successful books on innovation and teaches a business innovation course at Arizona State University. He has a track record of running highly successful financial institutions, one of which grew revenues by over two billion during his tenure. He also launched a successful national mutual fund.

He also served as Chairman of the Port of Milwaukee, and during his tenure, it became the fastest-growing report on the Great Lakes. He is the founder of BizStarts, which helps entrepreneurs launch new companies. He managed an angel investment fund called Successful Entrepreneur Investors.

He speaks nationally and internationally on innovation topics. He has also written a regular column in the Biz Times, Innovate or Die, and served as chairman of the Wisconsin Chapter of the global organization Young Presidents Organization.

He was awarded a Juris Doctor Degree from Boston University’s law school and a CLU degree from American University. He also obtained Series 6 and 63 securities licenses.

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Website: https://dansteininger.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dsteininger/ 

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