Doug mentioned finding the first NGOB episode and posting it as a bonus ep and (spoiler alert) I found it! But I found a lot more too, so I’m going to wait until the 10-year anniversary to re-post that one. Instead, you get episode 5 where we talk about how we randomly found Steve O’Brian and knew he was a pro right away. That was not quite the start of a beautiful friendship, it would take a few more months for me to reach out and start with the fun intros and outros, but it was a start. I don’t think we had even started cursing at this point, so if you’ve ever wanted to play one of our eps for your kids, this may be a good one. I can’t swear to that though, I only listened to the first 5 minutes.
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No time to get to this, but you can read the blog here: 12 Worries Every Entrepreneur Has (or they are lying)
Show notes written lovingly by the most anonymous man (or woman) in the world.
Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.