Ryan Bokros is more than just a FunkNfan, he’s a true hero of Hurricane Harvey. Hear more with the Nice Guys today.

Hurricane Harvey has devastated Houston Texas and many of the surrounding areas. If you’ve never experienced this kind of destruction first hand you can’t even imagine how bad it can be. Ryan Bokros stepped up to hep however he could and you can hear the whole story on the show today. 

Destruction like this affects families long after the rain has stopped and the water has receded and they need your help. Please donate to Ryan and he will see that the funds go directly to needy families in Houston. He is also working on a site called AdoptAHarveyFamily.com wher you can pick a specific family in need and donate to help them out. This site is still in the works, so if it’s not set up yet please donate what you can to any of the links below.

Doug and I are giving all of our Patreon donations for August to the relief effort, please show Ryan your support and donate whatever you can. Thank you for your support.




