Aaron Marcum holds a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania where he studied under Dr. Martin Seligman, father of the field of positive psychology. For twenty years, he successfully scaled businesses and is the recipient of top industry awards recognizing his leadership, vision, and service. He has been a sought-after national speaker since 2006 and enjoys empowering entrepreneurs to make positive changes in their personal and professional lives. His new book, “EntreThrive _ The entrepreneurs eight laws for eliminating unhealthy stress, flourishing personally, and creating The Good Life,” will be released January 2024, by Ethos Collective Publishing.

Download your EntreThrive EntreClarity Guide, a powerful tool designed to help entrepreneurs create their Guiding Truths, which are personal principles and beliefs that guide decisions and actions. Click here: http://www.entrethrive.com/niceguys

Connect with Aaron Marcum

Website: https://www.entrethrive.com/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-marcum/ , https://www.linkedin.com/company/entrethrive/about/ 

Instagram: @EntreThrive

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