Tomas is celebrating Conefrey’s Pharmacy’s 60th year in business! Learn the secrets to his business longevity on The Nice Guys Podcast today.


Starting your own business? Where do you think it will be in 60 years? Hear how Conefrey’s Pharmacy has grown for 60 years. Here’s what we learned on the podcast today:


Conefrey’s has the  #1 Irish Pharmacist account on Twitter- @ConefreyPharmac


The key to longevity is all about putting yourself in your customer’s shoes.


They sponsor a local soccer (football for our U.K. listeners!) team as well as Hearing aid clinics, diabetes day, and health assessments free of charge.


They are developing a custom app to more easily communicate with their customers


Conefrey’s is in a 140 year old building, and they are planning to expand soon.


The best, simplest advice Tomas can give- Talk to your customers.


If you are ever in Dublin, drop by at 136 Pier St. Dublin 2, Ireland, tell them the Nice Guys sent you.


Get in touch with Thomas:


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