Chris Mailander is author of The Craft. The book really plays at the intersection of corporate strategy and psychology. It decodes how business leaders perceive, react and think in their most critical moments. Those moments when the pressure is really on. When emotions run high. When things become unpredictable. The moments when there is a direct relationship between psychology of the individuals at the negotiating table, and the financial value that is going to show up later on the P&L or balance sheet. Chris has worked around the world, from political Washington, to Corporate America, to doing deals in war zones (literally), decoding what is going on in these moments… those moments when, quite frankly, some business leaders rise, and some do not. In ‘The Craft’, Chris reveals his methods for how you can succeed in moments like this.

Want to invite Chris to speak at your next corporate event? Learn more here: Grab your copy of The Craft, in paperback, Kindle and audiobook formats at

Connect with Chris Mailander:

Twitter: @mailander

Instagram: @chris_mailander



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