Nellie Akalp was a millionaire at 30, is now a top 100 Small Business Influencer and CorpNet is one of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing privately-held companies in America. Hear her story on the Nice Guys today.     


Nellie’s company CorpNet can help startups and existing companies protect themselves from many legal issues. Her first company was acquired in 2005 but she started CorpNet because she was too bored and too young to retire. Here’s more of her advice from the podcast today:     


Advertising and web traffic does not always translate to more business.     


Be a resource for entrepreneurs starting their business.     


What worked then won’t always work forever.     


Listen to your intuition.     


Focus on your client base.     


Do what you love and love what you do each and every day…you only live once!     


And more about CorpNet:     


CorpNet provides legal document filing and prep services.     


They are a top 100 Small business influencer 2014 and one of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing privately-held companies in America.     


They can help streamline the business filing process.     


Services include: free trademark and Business name search, business consultation, Business checklist, Incorporation guide, DBA guide, LLC Guide.     


CorpNet’s Business structure wizard helps you know what business entity type your company should be:


Get in touch with Nellie:



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The Princess Bride-


Don’t underestimate the Power of Nice.