Tallat Mahmood’s work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Bplans, TechCrunch, and he is a mentor for MassChallenge, one of the world’s largest business accelerators. Find out more about him on The Nice Guys today.


A business plan does not have to be an onerous and lengthy piece of work. Also, it is not an irrelevant exercise and can help your business immensely IF executed correctly. Many entrepreneurs struggle with the same things with an business plan; how to make it relevant, how not to spend months and months on it, how to use it in their business, how to use it for funding, how to structure it properly. Tallat has a step by step system to validating, structuring and pitching your business plan (either to your team or banks and investors) in order for you to be able to manage your business better. Here’s more about Tallat:


– He started out as an Aerospace Engineer.     


– He has advised companies for 12 years as a corporate financier and as an investor.     


– His advisory business, SkyPanther Capital has advised numerous companies globally on how to fund, grow, and exit their businesses.     


Here’s what we learned today about writing great business plans:     


– It should address 2 questions- 1) What is the opportunity and 2)

How are you mitigating against the risks.     


– It should be based on what’s happening in your business right now.


– Base your plan on already having the money you are looking for.


– Fundraising is a different skill set from building a business. Tallat’s flagship online course The Smart Business Plan Academy can help your business build strong business plans in quick time to help them with internal strategy or fundraising.


– Download “7 Proven steps to being fundable in 30 days” free tips to get you started at http://www.thesmartbusinessplanacademy.com


– His business advisory website SkyPanther Capital, at http://www.skypanthercapital.com where I personally advise businesses on all matters relating to business growth, fundraising, and exits.


– Reach Tallat Mahmood at tallat@fundingyourtechstartup.com


A few good Men- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FnO3igOkOk


Never underestimate the power of Nice.