Alison Vidotto runs the Vidotto Group, writes books, teaches and keynote speaks about leadership and she runs a charity in Vietnam! It’s all about balance, teaching others, and learning how to delegate. hear her secrets on The Nice Guys Podcast today.


Here’s a bit more about Alison:


– She was living independently at 16 and continued her education via night school     


– She built an international charity that now supports 200 families with blind or seriously ill children living in poverty in Vietnam.     


– Her book was awarded the B.R.A.G. Medallion     


– She knows her company can mostly take care of itself because she has an awesome team and it’s so well systematized.     


And what she believes in:     


– Being successful is not about where you start out, it’s about what you do with the resources available to you.     


– Don’t work on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths and attract people who compliment those strengths.     


– We are ALL capable of being great leaders. The door to success says Push! and we need to push with focus and determination.     


Important links:


Get in touch with Alison:     

Follow her on Twitter: Twitter- @AlisonVidotto     

Her website:     

ACCV is always in need of financial support ( my business funds the administration so that 100% of donations go directly to the cause.     


Free tips book – Confidence- Boosting Tips for women in Leadership.     


Her book: 22 Leadership Fundamentals, the Door to Success says Push! (available on Amazon)          


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Don’t underestimate the Power of Nice.