Royalty on The Nice Guys? Well, not exactly but you’ll have to listen to today’s interview to find out the story behind that and how to get your free copy of “Mind Hacking” before it is even available for purchase!


Today’s interview with Sir John Hargrave is incredibly interesting, informative, and can get you a free copy of his amazing book before you can even buy it, just because you are a Nice Guys Podcast listener, membership does have its privileges. Here’s what it’s all about:


– Mind Hacking- A user manual for your brain.


– This book will help you change your mind for good in 21 days.


– Identify and change the thought loops that may be holding you back in your business and life.


– The limitations that you put on yourself are largely self-imposed.


– You can train your brain to focus on the positive and avoid the negative.


– Create your own “Reality Distortion Field” (It’s a good thing, trust us)


– Play “What was I just thinking?” all day to improve your attitude and outlook.


– You can’t control the universe, but you do control your universe.


– You are more likely to succeed if you collaborate with other like-minded people.


– Always remember- You are not your mind.


How to get  in touch with John Hargrave:


Mind Hacking  will be published in January 2016 by Simon & Schuster’s Gallery Books, but you can get your free copy NOW at


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