So one of you listeners chimed in and asked “What about Strickland?” Well, you asked so we are delivering, today Strickland answers 10 listener questions.


Tech Talk- It’s a “Nap app”. No, that’s not a joke, you really should check it out.


Call to action- Tell us what you like! Go to and answer the one question “what do you like?”


Here’s what you can find out about Strickland listening to today’s episode. Please listen before you download the Pzizz app or you’ll never make it through the episode…Well, the episode may have the same effect, but hopefully not.


Questions for Strickland:

1. You talk a lot about being in a band. What do you do for the band?

2. Sounds like you have a houseful. Family? Assuming you are married?

3. How many jobs have you had in your career?

4. What does success mean to you?

5. What do you do in your free time, what do you like to do?

6. Where do you see yourself retiring?

7. You never talk about where you guys live. I know you have been to Las Vegas and Doug seems to go everywhere.

8. Why don’t you do any of the interviews, you voice is much better than Doug’s.

9. Do you ever think you will write a book? Public speaking? Why do you give Doug all the spotlight?

10. You sound like a great guy to party with, what do you like to drink?


Sponsor- The newest speaker in the “For College For Life” stable is our very own Doug Sandler! Check them out if you need a great speaker.


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Strickland’s secret first book-


Cinderella story-


Napalm in the morning-