Back in July of 2013, I started using Twitter to try to help sell my book, Alphabet Success (a story about success built around my last business). In an effort to keep things interesting, I scheduled a fair number of tweets. One thing became clear very quickly: scheduling tweets took an incredible amount of time. Much of what I was tweeting was “evergreen” and wouldn’t change much over time, so I ended up scheduling things repeatedly over the course of a month. However, it had to be done, and it was better than sitting in front of the computer doing it live. But the thought stuck in my mind: “There’s got to be a better way.” Finally, on November 7, 2013, I asked my friend and long-time colleague Len Sixt, if he wanted to develop a Twitter™ app for me. At this point, there was no thought of marketing the tool as a product. I just wanted a tool to save me the time of scheduling tweets. Even though the app was pretty expensive as a private toy, I figured it saved me hiring someone to schedule things on my behalf. By January 2014, a “baby” Social Jukebox was born, I had some basic functions to use, and it automatically saved me a ton of time. So we just kept plowing away and improving the program. Over the next few months, I would occasionally mention it to people. They seemed intrigued. Then, at the end of January 2015, we finally said, why not? So we pushed the app out into the market. Quietly, but “out” nonetheless. The response was wonderful. People liked it. We’ve had some more work to do, as with most projects, but the overall consensus was quite positive. After a very successful free trial when over 30,000 users signed up, we decided to launch a paid version. Over 1,500 users took advantage of the new offering over the next few months. While we were delighted with the success of the product, nothing stands still. So in early 2016, plans began to launch Social Jukebox with posting to Facebook and LinkedIn, in addition to Twitter. As these plans progressed, Len made a decision to move forward with his retirement. He knew the product would only continue to grow and wanted to step to the side to allow a development team take over the coding for the product. In July of 2016, beta testing of Social Jukebox began. In spite of some inevitable glitches, the initial users were pleased with the product. The current product was rolled out to all users in August of 2016.   Connect with Tim Fargo: Twitter: @alphabetsuccess Website: Reach The Nice Guys Here: Doug- @DJDoug Strickland- @NiceGuyonBiz Show notes by show producer: Danielle Taylor   Nice Guys Links Support the podcast at Subscribe to the Podcast – You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. Podcast Production, Concept to Launch Book Doug and/or Strick as a speaker at your upcoming event. Amazon #1 Best selling book Nice Guys Finish First. Doug’s Business Building Bootcamp (10 Module Course)   Survey: Take our short survey so The Nice Guys know what you like.     Partner Links: Click before buying anything. Help support the podcast. Interview Valet:  Get interviewed on top podcasts and share your message. Acuity Scheduling: Stop wasting time going back and forth scheduling appointments Dalyn Miller PR — Guest Placement and Promotion Social Quant – Boost your Twitter following the right way. Targeted reach Promise Statement: To provide an experience that is entertaining and adds value to your life. Never underestimate the Power of Nice.