Lower prices or better service? Today The Nice Guys make an argument for not lowering your prices and advice on how to attract more customers with better service.
Call to Action- Get on the map! To get pinned on our listener map answer our 2 question survey at http://www.DougSandler.com, or tweet out to @DJDoug or @NiceGuyonBiz and say “Put me on the map!” with your location. Doug is giving away audio copies of his book “Nice Guys Finish First” to the first 10 people who do!
Tech Talk- http://www.Squarespace.com is a great website design tool that is very professional and very inexpensive. There are a lot of website design tools available today, but this is one of the best.
Signature advice- Price vs. Value
Businesses make decisions every day regarding where to focus their resources to attract more customers. Lower prices, or better service? We fall squarely in the “better service” camp and here’s why:
• Nordstom’s, Ritz-Carlton and Zappos. 3 incredibly successful companies built entirely on customer service.
• Moo.com vs. Vista Print
• Valvoline oil change vs. Jiffy Lube
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