To call Shep Hyken a professional speaker is like calling Batman a guy who’s good with gadgets. Shep is a legend, and Doug interviews him today. When it comes to an amazing customer service experience, we learned so much of what we know today from him. Here’s more about Shep, and what you will hear on the show today:


• President of the National Speakers Association

• New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of 5 books 

• He has spoken for Disney, AT&T, SAP, Lexus, American Express and Merrill Lynch among many others


Here’s what you’ll hear from Shep on the show today:


• Customer service is not a department, it a philosophy. 

• The culture of your company is critical. 

• Whatever happens on the inside of a company is felt on the outside.

• You can’t be successful by accident, have a plan.

• Don’t let your business define you, define your business based around the lifestyle you want.

• Set your goals and put a timeline on them. One of Shep’s goals is to play golf on his 100th birthday. 


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Contact Shep Hyken:

Phone: 314-692-2200

Twitter- @Hyken

Shep’s Virtual Training Course- Hyken Virtual Training

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