You can do just about everything else wrong in your business, but if you take care of your customers, you still have a chance to succeed.
Announcements– Dubains. We’re still waiting to hear from you. We have been downloaded in over 64 countries, but we still have a place in our hearts for Dubai, but we need to hear from you. It would be embarrassing if Canada beat you to it.
Tech Talk- An incredibly powerful tool to help you automate your Twitter feed.
OUR signature advice- Customer service isn’t just the most important thing, it is the ONLY thing. You can do pretty much everything wrong starting out in business, but if you take care of your client, you can still succeed. Listen to the podcast for proof and tips.
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Nice Guys Finish First on Amazon
Shep Hyken interview coming up 7/14
Shout out to Al Hopper, thanks for listening!