If you want to succeed in business, ask yourself the 6 questions below and make sure you can answer “NO!” to all of them. You’re welcome in advance, from The Nice Guys


      1. ARE YOU LIVING IN THE PAST? Don’t look back, you are not going that way. 

Action item: Set 3 short term goals that you will accomplish in the next 30 days.


      2. ARE YOU STRETCHED TOO THIN? Life is a buffet, take from it what you need and leave the rest. 

Action item: List 3 items on your schedule right now that you can eliminate.


      3. ARE YOU NOT SMART ENOUGH TO SUCCEED? Success has relatively little to do with following the traditional rules and plenty to do with your creativity and positive mindset.

Action item: Find an item within arms reach right now and use it in a way that it would not traditionally be used.


      4. ARE YOUR IDEAS NOT UNIQUE? Throw away the concept that says you are not unique enough or special enough to be successful. Don’t focus on having an idea that’s one in a million. 

Action item: Write down just one idea that you would start working on if you had an unlimited budget and it was guaranteed not to fail.


5. ARE YOU THINKING IT’S TOO LATE FOR YOU? Walt Disney was in his fifties when his idea for Disneyland became a reality. Mick Jagger is still rockin’ and he is well into his AARP years. It is never too late.

Action item: If you had to offer professional advice to someone twenty years younger than you, what would that advice be? Offer yourself that same advice. Are you following it?


6. ARE YOU CARRYING TOO MUCH BAGGAGE? It’s not the cards that life deals you, it’s how you play those cards. A positive attitude and the right mindset will absolutely carry you to a better place. 

Action item: Write yourself a permission slip that begins with the sentence. “I am allowed to forgive myself and others for (fill in the blank).”


Once you ask yourself the six questions above, take a moment and think about the answers you have given. Stop letting the questions and the answers hold you back. Work on understanding the answers you have given. Discovering the answers is a great beginning and will help you move towards a life that you have always wanted to live; An AWESOME one.


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