Doug, Strickland, and special guest Mar chiming in for a total of 12 seconds on today’s Nice Guy’s episode
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Today, show notes are NOT done by Production Assistant – Anna Nygren. She’s not gone, just sick so I’m (Strickland) stuck doing the show notes. Around 7 minutes we do a really funny take on Sean Spicer, but we recorded it 1.5 weeks ago so it’s a bit dated now. Then we spend the rest of the ep. showing how fucking old we are and you know what? I’ve gotten rediculously spoiled having Anna write our show notes, it’s [12:37] AM and I’m still editing this audio, and I don’t feel like writing these notes. Does anyone read them anyway?? I don’t think so, but if you are reading this please reach out to me @NiceGuyonBiz and let me know that you are reading the notes, and you do care. Wait, I don’t actually look at Twitter, so that won’t do you any good. Try posting to the Facebook group instead and tag me, I might actually see that. Actually, even better- Post something to and let me know. You will have to be a patron to do this, but come on you can be a patron for as little as $1.00/month? We post about 25 episodes a month, so If you even listen to 2-3 of those in a month isn’t that worth a lousy dollar????? OK, enough of that. Well, maybe not, we’re really just trying to get us to $250.00/month so we can pay Anna. She writes all of these show notes 5 TIMES A WEEK and right now she does it FOR FREE!!!!! If you’re reading this you’ve obviously seen her notes, but with $83 in Patreon donations currently, we can’t even pay for the hosting and our other hard costs. We love Anna and we really want to pay her, but we have no money right now, so PLEASE just donate $1, $2, $10, SOMETHING!!!!! Don’t lie, we only have 19 patrons and we get over 2000 downloads per episode so we know that most of you are NOT donating. Seriously, we’re not trying to get rich on this podcast (at least not yet) we’re just trying to get Anna paid. OK, that’s my late night rant that looks like a Chuck Lorre vanity card. Thanks for reading all the way through.
PS- Definitely NOT Spamalot. If you don’t know what that means, that’s because you are not a Patreon patron and/or you haven’t heard the Week of 4/24 bonus material. If you are a patron, go listen now. If not, donate $1 or 2 or more. Thanks.
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