Dan Zigmond is the Director of Analytics at Facebook! Hear about this and the Buddha Diet on The Nice Guys Today
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Show Notes by Production Assistant – Anna Nygren
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- BTW, Buddha wasn’t a fat guy
Are You a Grazer?
- A big part of Buddha’s teaching is to be mindful of our relationship to other people
- The one restriction that Buddha placed on the Monks was that they could only eat during certain hours of the day
- For example, from dawn til 12
- Potato chips are practically made to make you more hungry
- Taking a real lunch break, meaning you leave your desk and give your food undivided attention, you may be more productive after that well-deserved break
- Facebook is built on the concept of letting people share their authentic self
Closing Lines
- Check out this cool app:
- Insight Timer, a Meditation App
- Try to start by limiting your eating to a 12 hour window
See Dan’s Website: http://www.buddhasdiet.com
And on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buddhasdietbook
Get Dan’s book- Buddha’s Diet: The Ancient Art of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind
E-Mail Dan at djz@shmonk.com
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