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Hiring the wrong people can cost much more than you think, not only in lost productivity, but also in poor morale that can spread through your office like a disease. The Nice Guys can help you hire the right people the first time.
• We are moving out of the “Industrial Age” and into the “Social Age”.
• Business is no longer just about the widget you are selling, it’s about the people.
• Happy employees are more efficient, companies like Google and Zappos have built their culture around this.
• G-Mail came out of Google’s 15% time, which encourages employees to spend 15% of their work week on a project they want to do.
• Post-it notes were invented because of 3M’s “20% time”.
• The IBM philosophy has always been “Hire the right people, point them in the right direction, and get out of their way.”
• If you can’t trust your people to be motivated, and work hard without a supervisor looking over their shoulder- You’ve hired the wrong people.
• Hiring the wrong person is one of the most expensive things you can do. Long term, the wrong person will drag the entire company down with poor productivity, and by spreading their bad attitude throughout.
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