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On today’s episode of The Nice Guys on Business Podcast we interview Jeremy Watkin, the director of Customer Service at When it comes to being nice and providing over the top, amazing customer service, Jeremy makes Doug and I look like newbies. He has been with for 12 years, and he is all about treating every customer like they are your only customer.  Here are some of the highlights:


• is an amazing solution for entrepreneurs. They are entrepreneurs so they love to support them.

• Jeremy was named in the top 100 Customer Success Influencers by MindTouch in May 2015, and number 17 in ICMI’s Contact Center Thought Leaders in 2014.

• Remove any obstacle to help customers use your service.

• Empower your people

• Chronic multitasking does not make you more efficient, it only promotes mistakes. used to encourage their customer support team to chat with 1 customer and work on the phone with another…Until he tried it himself and found that he was mixing up the conversations.  

• Twitter is not just a Facebook status update alternative. It can connect you with other people who do what you do.

• It’s all about the customer experience. Not just about how the customer perceives your company, but how their feedback ultimately affects changes you choose to make in how you do business.

• Technology is changing customer service. Customers want to reach you by phone, E-Mail, chat, and social media, and you have to be ready for all of these. Set up channels for your customers to reach you all of these ways.

• Positive interactions on social media can be great for your reputation, but you need to have a system to direct complaints to a private space.

• Customers want feedback about how your company is dealing with customer feedback and complaints, and how quickly.

•’s CEO implemented a ban on the word “no” with customer service, and  even created a pop up warning for customer service reps if they used “unfortunately” in a response to a customer.

•  Jeff got to meet one of his mentors, Shep Hylen 

• You choose your attitude every day. 

• One of Jeremy’s favorite quotes from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People- “Seek first to understand before being understood”


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Here’s how you can get in touch with Jeremy Watkin:

Twitter- @jtwatkin



Jeremy and Jenny Dempsey get recognized as Contact Center Thought Leaders-


Jenny Dempsey on Huffington Post-


Shep Hyken-


Shep on Twitter-


Great customer service story from Shep –