– Do you put on ‘Off’? Or ‘Off’ on?
– Is advertising an evil thing?
– Stacey Sherman is a correspondent for the Nice Guy’s on Biz
– Stacey was on Ep. 58 and was the first was to say “fuck” on the show. (Way to go Staceyyyyyy)
– Strick is the Chief Fucker of Rock ‘n Roll.
– Stacey’s #1 Best Concert of 2016 would be Keith Urban.
– Nicole Kidman is a little pasty for Doug.
– Stacey would be afraid to approach Paul McCartney.
– Strick did yoga with Laura! And wants to do them on the reg.
– Laura has a very strict rule, “she onlys does what she loves.”
– Kristy Heart is a dominatrix life coach… say what?
– Sunny does have monkey long arms, so she is handy.
– Doug’s favorite meme was Sunny’s: “I’ve bought this guitar and it has gotten me laid ‘this’ many times.”
– The National Park System is a winner! Happy 100th Birthday, National Parks!
– Trip to Seattle? Done and done.
– The bottom line is – that you need to be a part of YOUR plans, not someone else’s.
Show notes: Production Assistant – Anna Nygren http://www.annavnygren.com/
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