Doug- @DJDoug

Strickland- @NiceGuyonBiz



  • Doug does like a citrus beverage during the summer
  • Strick was drinking a Yuengling (i.e. the oldest brewery in America)
  • We love it when guest in the show want to become a part of the community! 🙂
  • Doug has done a podcast, on his front lawn, naked.


  • We are going to keep a few episodes shorter, but more frequent
    • Monday and Friday are now interviews
    • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday will be just Doug/Strick
  • Doug’s BIG question: “Will people get tired of us?”
  • Revised Promise Statement:
    • We are nothing without you, you are our customers! WE promise to deliver topics you want to hear about and make them interesting.
  • Fuck Dollar Shave Club
    • Is advertising for us?
    • Nice Guy Community, do you know someone who could do advertising for us?

The Nitty Gritty

  • Doug’s Sprint experience is officially over!
  • The DMV does not give a shit
  • There is always a friendly soul, even at the DMV
  • Companies continue to talk about service, but not about caring

There is a difference between delivering good service and being a company that care



Show notes: Production Assistant – Anna Nygren


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Want to ask us a question or record a show intro for us? Call 4242-DJDoug and leave us a message.


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Don’t underestimate the Power of Nice.