Casey Cornelius runs a national agency of collegiate speakers, has spoken on colleges campuses coast-to-coast, and keynoted national leadership conferences. Hear his story on The Nice Guys today
Here are some of the questions we asked Casey today:
– How did you get into the college market? Was it because finally you found a market that stays up late and drinks a lot?
– How did you go about growing the company?
-What I find so great about For College for life is the cohesiveness of the team. Can you talk about that for a moment and how that type of culture comes together?
– One of the challenges you have I am sure is that most communication for the entire team is virtual. How do you maintain solid bonds with people when you don’t see them daily in an office for example?
– How essential it is to know your market and how can the Nice Guy community find who their ideal customer is?
– You bootstrapped your entire business right? How do you know where to spend you money? Marketing, sales, operations. It’s gotta be tricky to walk the financial balance beam.
– What do you think sets FCFL apart from hundreds of other organizations out there that provide speakers to your market?
– What actionable item can you see entrepreneurs walking away with after listening to you today?
– How do you achieve personal balance in business and life?
You’re a jui jitsu family right? It that where you get out all your aggression? Because you seem like a really calm and gentle guy.
Contact Casey:
Twitter @caseyjfcfl
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Don’t underestimate the Power of Nice.