Doug- @DJDoug

Strickland- @NiceGuyonBiz

Laurence- @TheLazyGuru


The Lazy Guru: A Half-American Scot Who Lives in England


  • Stress can be created in any moment
  • The moment where all stress dissipates, where there are no problems/pressures…. never ever arrives
  • Life is going to continue to be complex, difficult and unpredictable so you might as well just relax right now
  • As some point, the ‘balance’ achieved during meditation has to become a continuous state
  • This is as much about enjoyment of stress as it is avoiding stress
    • Stress does not ever go away, you just have to learn to manage it
  • Everyone has a Survival mechanism that has 2 states:
    • A hyper-engaged state/hyper alpha state of fighting stress
    • An “in-denial” state

Action Steps

  • Often when we are selling something, we feel that we have to ‘push’ something
    • ‘Push’ ourselves
    • “Push’ our product
  • We often do things that we think we need to do because we have been told that that is a good thing to do
  • When you are really into something and can add value you to it, the money will follow
  • Do not focus on your agenda in a conversation, just let the conversation go where it is going to go.
    • Let go of your expectations in a conversation

The Heart of the Lazy Guru – Making Space

  • People who are genuinely creative have a whole bunch of practices that people who uncreative people can benefit from massively
  • Creating space for something magical to happen is something that we all need to do
    • Creativity and spirit is essential for an entrepreneur
  • Making space is the discipline of carving out little spaces of time, daily, to do nothing
    • Most of us have a bunch of mind talk that gets in the way – it is chock full of concern and anxieties
    • Try to listen to them, not talk to them
  • Things will happen to you naturally in a way that will surprise you

@thelazyguru Laurence Shorter


Show notes: Production Assistant – Anna Nygren


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