Doug- @DJDoug
Strickland- @NiceGuyOnBiz
Focus? Strickland drives one, but we don’t know how to do it on the podcast. Drinking, two good segues from Doug, IBM, Las Vegas, more than our share of ‘F’ bombs today, later in the episode we try to offend every international listener and Strickland loses his shit over advanced music degrees on The Nice Guys today. Stick around till the end and we’ll send you a lollipop.
– Important things to learn from the podcast today:
– Doug’s water costs as much as Strickland’s liquor. (So is Doug’s water expensive, or is Strickland drinking shitty liquor?)
– Doug does not one, but TWO good segues!
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– Doug has a bad taxi ride but a great Uber experience. The world is changing…
– Find out the difference between Uber and Uber Black.
– IBM doesn’t make typewriters anymore (revelation!) and that’s why they’re still in business.
– One of Strick’s favorite podcasts-
Shout out to Tim @Fivehundy and Michelle @Anitamartini
– More friends of the Nice Guys-
– Self-driving cars in Pittsburgh? No more traffic jams and no tipping!
– Taco Bell and Chinese Massage parlors.
– Advanced music degrees. Don’t get Strickland started on that.
– No time to get to this, but you can read the blog here: 12 worries that every entrepreneur has
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