Jessica Rhodes built a six-figure income from nothing, with 2 small kids at home. Find out how and how she can help your business or podcast grow on The Nice Guys today.

Twitter- @JessRhodesBiz

Jessica’s company Interview Connections helps speakers connect with podcasts. Five years ago, this type of business probably didn’t even exist or at least it wasn’t booming the way it is today but Jessica Rhodes saw a need and filled it. Here’s more that we learned about Jessica:

– Her podcast Rhodes to Success that was selected by iTunes as a “Hot to Podcast” show in iTunes

– She was selected as a speaker for Podcast Movement 2016

– She built a 6-figure income with a 200-person list. It’s not about size, it’s about the level of engagement of your customers.


Here are some of the questions you will hear answers to today:

– How can getting on podcasts help them and help them now?

– How important is audience size for your clients when you are vetting shows for your clients to go on?

– How do see the culture at your company?.

– What challenges do you experience with your clients?


Contact Jessica-

Twitter- @JessRhodesBiz

Her company-

Check out her podcast-

Her Blog and other stuff-


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