Don’t think you are an expert in your field? Or maybe you are, but no one else thinks so? Fix both of those problems on the Nice Guys today. 

Google yourself. If you don’t own that first page- You’re not an expert in your own field. Here are some tips to fix that:

– Get Published. Even if it’s just a guest blog or small publication, you need to start somewhere.

– LinkedIn Pulse is a great place to start-

– Get onto podcasts. Jessica Rhodes can help with that-

– Get out there and speak, even if it is for free.

– Know your customer’s needs and expectations.

– Communication is the key. Ask your customers what might be holding you back. If they trust you, they’ll tell you.


– Do you want to hear short guest spots on influence from Dr. Carmen Simon and on health and wellness from Katheryn Budig? E-Mail questions to or call 4242-DJDoug and leave your questions for either of them and we’ll get them to answer on the podcast. 

– Give Doug his 100th review on Amazon Nice Guys Finish First book  

– Hear Ashley Taylor Yanello talk about us talking about her on Real Talk with Ashley

– The best way to stop a fight-


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Want to ask us a question or record a show intro for us? Call 4242-DJDoug and leave us a message.

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Don’t underestimate the Power of Nice.