Yes, The Nice Guys are listening.Today we completely forget our topic just to talk about a listenerEmail and what we’re doing wrong. And other podcasts, freepictures, bathroom logos, Starbucks gift cards andpajamas.
So here’s the Email:
Hello nice guys. I am one ofyour listener. I listen to each of your podcast more than 10 times.well, to be honest, I have two reasons to listen to them like that.First I need to improve my English and second I like your topics.But as I’ve found your podcast is going down instead of gettingbetter! I do not know what is the problem but as I found, I am moreinterested to listen your older podcasts instead of the newreleases.
You have had Tech show on yourpodcast. Please bring it back!
You asked for fining thereason why your listeners do not put the comment for your podcast.I’ve looked up your site carefully.
As I’ve found there is somereasons:
1- whenever I get on your site,I face with 2 ads of your free e-book. I think the ads make hard toget on your site and if I use my cellphone it’s almost impossibleto click on x of your ads.
2- the icons of twitter,Facebook and Pintrest are everywhere and really annoying I hardlycan find a free place on the pictures on your site to clickon.
3- I checked on the otherpodcasts they have the same problem ( But they have at least 4comments).
I hope you understand my poorEnglish.
The best
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