John Livesay is a pitch guy and an expert in finding money…money you should have for your business. His podcast, the Successful Pitch is available on iTunes and he knows his stuff. Hear all about it on The Nice Guys today.
Here’s some things we learned about John today:
– He launched The Successful Pitch podcast and it made Apple’s New & Noteworthy list
–Inc interviewed him as pitch expert
– Gensler had him as keynote speaker on how to improve client relationships
And some things you can learn from him:
- How do I become a master storyteller?
- What do investors want to hear in a pitch?
- How do I improve my confidence?
- Where do I find the right investors?
- What are the 3 mistakes to avoid when pitching?
- What makes a good story?
- How does storytelling attract a good team?
Text 66866 FUNDING to get your free pdf on “3 mistakes to avoid when pitching”
Here’s how to get in touch with John:
Check out his podcast-
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