Chris Bailey published an incredible book called The Productivity Project, Accomplishing more by managing your time, attention and energy.


I’ll let Chris tell you a little about himself:


1. I’m Buddhist, and meditate for 30 minutes every day. I first became enamored with meditation and Buddhism through my yoga practice, and haven’t stopped practicing since. (It might seem weird that someone who’s into productivity is into Buddhism and meditation, but I think the two can work together in really interesting ways.)


2.  He graduated University with a business degree with specializations in marketing and management.While I’m into some things that seem hippie-dippy on the surface (like meditation), I think my business-y mind helps me cut through all of the bullshit out there so I can focus on the practical side of everything I write about and experiment with.

3. I grew up in Canada, and have lived here all my life. If you notice a lot of politeness in the way I talk, this is why. I currently live in the nation’s capital, Ottawa, and absolutely love it here. If you come to visit, I’ll treat you to poutine and a beaver tail.

4. I have had some cool work experience, even though I’m 25. I was fortunate enough to work a few fun co-op internships throughout University, including one where I independently hired about 200 co-op students for a global telecom firm (my school named me their Co-op Student of the Year for this job). I also worked a few corporate jobs throughout University so I could graduate with as little debt as possible.

5. A few of my favorite things in the world: Green tea, writing, typography, space, technology (I’m a huge nerd), em dashes (they’re so versatile!), and Oxford commas.

Get a copy of his book at


Some great articles he’s written-


Cool experiments to try-


Ferris Bueller-


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