Tom Schwab is an accomplished author, blogger, speaker, and business owner, his work has been featured in Forbes, LinkedIn, Hubspot, and EO Fire among others, and he is COO of  View from the Top which offers business and life coaching services.


Here’s more that we learned about Tom today:

He graduated from the Naval Academy and was a Nuclear Surface Warfare Officer.

He leads the E-Commerce user group HubSpot.

He recently wrote a blog called “I want fewer leads in 2016”


And more to learn on the podcast today:

Marketing is just starting a conversation with someone who can become a customer

Learn how to build an online business with an inbound strategy

“Certificates of appreciation” from your customers is the money they give you, they show their appreciation in the form of sales.

Marketing strategies have a shelf life- What worked 10 years ago won’t work today.

“View from the Top” business coaching includes not only 1 on 1 coaching, but also a mastermind group and private membership community

Go to Tom’s website- for tons of great free content including:

48 low cost ways to convert visitors into customers on your site

The 9 secrets to getting booked on your first podcast

How to crush a Kickstarter campaign

Why you need fewer leads, not more

Always learn from your mistakes


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