Everyone is in sales. The reason most businesses fail is not because they weren’t good at their craft, it’s because they aren’t good at sales and marketing. Butch Bellah can help solve that.

See below for a link to get your free copy of Butch’s book- The 10 Essential Habits of Sales Superstars


Here’s what we learned about Butch today:

He has 40 years of sales experience.

His mantra is- Learn, practice, teach.

He wrote a “Dummies” book!- Sales Management for Dummies – http://www.amazon.com/Sales-Management-Dummies-Butch-Bellah/dp/1119094224/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8


And some great tips from him:

Customers buy from people they know, like and trust. The first 2 are fairly easy, but trust takes time to earn.

Don’t lower your price, build your value.

Even the best in the world have coaches, you need one too.

When you teach, you are learning as well.

He just launched his coaching website http://mybizcoach.biz/


Nice Guys listeners can download a free copy of The 10 Essential Habits of Sales Superstars here- http://mybizcoach.biz/niceguys/

Here’s his link to get some other great free stuff- http://mybizcoach.biz/resources/


How to reach Butch: 

Website- http://mybizcoach.biz/

LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/butchbellah

Twitter- @MyBizCoachButch


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