1514 D&S: Happy Independence Day Bonus!

That’s right, we’re getting the show out EARLY this week as a bonus to celebrate 248 years of independence for the United States of ‘Murica. After the Supreme Court rulings this week, who knows how long we’ll be around. They’ve taken away...

1512 D&S Are Fed Up With Everything

Well, if they’re fed up with everything, why should I have to write show notes? Makes sense to me, right? Yea, except that I picked the title today. Is that like a self-fulfilling prophecy? Do you want some cool merch? Check out the store here-...

1510 D&S: Are Calling out the Commandments

Between the two of them I’m guessing Doug and Strick have broken most of the 10 commandments at some point. Hell, who am I kidding, Strick probably broke half of them on his own in the last week. Do you want some cool merch? Check out the store here-...